TrustPattern™ is the technology that facilitates information storage on any surface using pattern recognition. The technology uses both covert and overt patterns for security and flexibility.
This technology provides first-of-its-kind printable smartcard functions with dual authentication.
Solutions by Industry

TrustPattern™ also provides flexibility in controlling the access to the data stored in the pattern.

Solutions by Industry
TrustPattern™ possible applications by Industry.
Please explore the solutions below:
TrustPattern™ can secure banking-related documents like checks, certificate of deposits with AI-enabled technology coupled with advanced encryption and compression.
TrustPattern™ can be used in the secure delivery of insurance cover notes, policy declarations, and other insurance documents.
The technology can be also used as a secure digital ID solution with the lowest operational and infrastructure costs.
TrustPattern™ technology provides a secure and scalable digital ID solution for Driving Licenses, Identification cards, and other certificates with the lowest operational and infrastructure costs.
TrustPattern™ can be used to efficiently issue travel passes with the least operational and infrastructure costs.
Payment Solutions
The technology can be also used as an advanced peer-to-peer payments solutions with least transaction charges.
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